Thursday, January 10, 2008

What Men Want

This has been a horrible week. For starters I drove all the way from Texas to Georgia. Mapquest kindly informed me that the trip was gonna be 12 hours and 56 minutes. I left Houston at 5am, it was still dark and raining and all those trucks were going over the speed limit as if they had no breaks. I tried as much as possible to enjoy the first strecht of my trip with Sandra, my Honda Accord and my Alpine stereo blaring some much love country music. After two hours of straining my eyes to see through the windshield, I stopped at Beaumont, slept for half an hour then got down to get me some coffee at the Waffle House. My spirits were uplifted when the owner, an elderly black man greeted me so nicely and gave me a bear hug. Yes!!! Now I felt I was onto some adventure.

I was still in an adventurous mood when I left the state of Texas behind, then passed through the great swamps of Louisiana. There, it took a conscious effort to keep my mouth closed. I couldnt help but marvel at what God had created. The swamps were vast, miles and miles wide. I nearly stopped on one of the bridges, just to praise God, you know. The roads were not so good but I had an eyeful of swamps, Indian rivers, amazing bridges and lakes. Missisippi was a hundred mile and I did that in no time, crossing into Alabama. This was where I started getting tired and all adventurous spirits flew out of the window. I wasnt sleepy just tired of talking to myself. To make matters worse, it got really dark at exactly 5pm and I couldnt really see and so I had to be driving at 50m/hr.It was ridiculous. I was about 70 miles away from the state of Georgia when I saw this big placard with ''LIONS" on it. I wanted to pee so bad but that strecht of the road was the wildest wilderness I had ever seen in my life. I nearly stopped to pee though but that big placard changed my mind. No use getting chased by a lion with my pants around my ankles. What would be the use of running from a lion anyway?

I got to Atlanta at 10pm, then couldnt get down from the car. My right ankle was messed up and there was this raging pain in my lower back, you know like how expectant mothers in labour scream about that part of the body? Ok hot shower, Tylenol, and vapor rub did the trick.I slept off dreaming about lions and swamps. When I woke up the next day, my nose wouldnt stop running and I knew there was something wrong. Neways I came down with the most furious 'flu I ever encountered. Each breath was painful to the grind. I hated to be helpless like that but I couldnt do a damn thing to help myself.I had no relief until I took ALABUKUN two days after the whole thing started. Now, the fever is gone but I am left with an irritating cough. I thank God that I am even blogging tonight because the way I felt two days ago eeehhn, I thought I was gonna recover next month.

Being ill and confined to bed really made me think about some stuffs.

Whoever said that women are difficult to please?????? Excuse me and pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! I really had time to go over my youthful sojourn.

When I was 11 years old, all the boys in our neighborhood liked me and wanted me as a girlfriend because I could play soccer and was not afraid of getting dirty.
When I was 12, most of the boys did not like me because I could score more goals and outrun them in 100 meters race; I was the Red House Champion.
They suddenly liked me again when I sprouted boobs almost as big as my head and hated me immediately Pa stopped me from playing with them and I started wearing a bra.
The boys in high school liked me because I could dance and rap like them,knew all the lyrics of the songs by Naughty By Nature but they hated me because I wouldnt give out. Not even a kiss, Hell No!!
In college, the guys were crazy in lust and I didnt understand or see WHY!! Some said it was the daring attitude, some said it was my bouncy gait, some said it was the tomboyish thing..........yuck!! Well I have never seen myself as a male. I just do things my own way.
Halfway through college....some guys claimed it was my ability to take charge and take care of stuffs that drove them wild. One guy admitted to having a hard-on the day he saw me checking out the engine of a car. Some said it was the way I could jump start any car on campus or help a friend change a flat tyre. Now hold up....I did not study mechanical engineering in school, It was just the way Pa brought us up. Why would I pussy-foot around if I could do it myself??

Ok......I guess that was sexy to them right?? YUCK.

Now where do I get the feeling that men are actually scared of sharp girls?

You change are a tomboy!
You wear decent are not sexy!
You are wild in are a prostitute!
You dont think about are not focused!
You dont want must be getting it somewhere else!
You want sex after are old fashioned!
You dress like are trashy!
You wear look like an Idian War Chief!
You wear french manicure...........that is why you can not cook!
You cook.........................and that is why he is getting fat!
You dare to be are gonna be on your knees begging till daybreak!
You show some sexy have started watching dirty movies without him!
You braid your disturbs the sex!
You wear a low cut............."i love my woman with some hair"!
You are must be thinking of an ex!
You are talk too much!
You make have now become a man!
You are look like his grandmother!
You are have a secret!
You are are planning to run away with another man!

I can not go on o!

They do not have an idea of what they want!


little miss me said...

LOL funny are so confused!!!
what a trip that was,would be nice to take a long road trip but definitely not in this canadian least you feel better, i hope the cough clears out soon!

anonymous gal(retired blogger) said...

this is the second time miss me is beatin me to my coverted position. nice funny post. are men that hard to please coz all u said was rite on point.
btw u and me i 4 no try that rad trip o. i wonder how much u dreade the return trip.

yayi said...

@ Little Miss me....thanks jare. am much berra.
@ Anonymous Gal........LOL return trip ke? forget that side. I am willing to sell Sandra and use the money to buy a Business class ticket back to Texas.

Initium said...

I hear you girl! Trying to figure out men could turn your brain inside out!
Happy New Year, and glad to hear you're getting better!
Take care!!
(PS: Running from lions while trying to pee??? LOL!!!)

Eyin'ju Oluwa said...

I hope you're feeling better, this flu thing is the devil itself!!

LOL, check engine ke, i ws looking at one two nights,i was so so

Lmao@french manicure= you cant cook...hehehe

Have a lovely weekend, rest well.

rethots said... so true. I guess that then behooves the babes to make men know what they want?

"You are must be thinking of an ex!" This is so brilliant.

Happy New Year.

Ms. Catwalq said...

Girl, you are so true. se I can just borrow some of your analogies for use in my writing?

se u r okay now?

Bubbles said...

I love this post. The part about being chased by a lions with ur pants down was esp. funny.

I'm sorry to hear that u were ill. Now, my in God's name would u drive almost 13hrs, ALONE? You got spunk though. But be honest, would u do it again?

Yep, i agree. I think women should be themselves cos it's hard to pls everybody. They should accept u for who u are anyway.

KMalinkaVintage said...

great post!

Allied said...

Lol @ You are look like his grandmother

Lol. Pele oh on the flu.

yayi said...

Thanks you guys for your love and concern. I appreciate, i think am good as new now.

Naapali said...

People save for years to visit Hawaii, people from Hawaii save for years to get out of Hawaii.

the second part of your post depicts human nature, male or female.

As 4 your flu, pele!

LadyRuth said...

Yayi girl, nice post! But frankly, men don't know what what they want. They think they do, but when they get it, its on to the next thing. They are never ok and they see everything as a challenge to be conquered.............any new moves in bed, you're sleeping talk too long on the phone, its a guy............ah! the list is endless...................